
  Planning sessions

one of Tawsol's activities are the planning sessions ( round table discussions) where representative from governmental , civil society and donors sectors gather in a atmosphere that would enrich the dissuasion and encourage cooperation in the policy making process. The aim of these sessions is for all community's major sectors to get together and cooperate to draw a road map aiming to implement the constitution within chosen issues. First and second planning session were held on 11th and 12th of November 2014 tackling Women and the right to work issues Between exclusion and detraction. During the session, ESA aimed to:

 - Monitor the gaps between what has been stipulated in the Constitution and the laws and the actual situation of the working and homeless children. 

- Identify what is common between the aspirations of the civil society and the possibilities of the executive bodies to reach effective enjoyment of the children at risk rights.

 - Formulate a vision about the requirements of the process and mechanisms that protect children at risk

 -  Formulate a systematic vision to establish a work strategy between civil society, the executives and donors on the topic of the seminar 

 - The third session was held on Thursday, November 20, 2014 and discussed the implementation of children's rights who are at risk and offered bill of demands of children's rights