Project description :
Since Covid-19 outbreak, it has been obvious that the Egyptian society lacks preparedness for crisis management. The pandemic revealed a high level of strategic uncertainty and hesitance that influenced its prevalence. Although the government introduced some measures as the quarantine specialized hospitals (QSH) assigned for Covid 19 cases in each governorate, self-sterilizing ambulances dispatched to transport infected patients to QSHs and the tests that are limited to Ministry of Health facilities only, the situation has been getting worse. Although the real impact of Covid-19 is still unknown, many individuals, companies, organizations and communities have been negatively affected by the pandemic even if they have not been directly infected. Coronavirus is not just a health crisis, it's a human, social and economic crisis as well.
Throughout our experience working with marginalized communities across Egypt, we have noticed an increase in inequality, discrimination, poverty and unemployment in addition to a deterioration of people’s well-being and mental health during the lockdown. On the other side, we have also noticed some best practices implemented by communities to mitigate the risks. These efforts should be promoted, organized and capitalized on to develop a network of volunteers and well-trained community leaders ready to encounter any future challenges.
We believe that if we emerge from this crisis stronger with lessons and management techniques leant and applied, no matter what the next crisis brings. Based on our experience, most of the international entities along with the local ones have promptly responded to the Covid-19 crisis in terms of adopting public health measures, offering immediate and public health services to the vulnerable groups to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Moreover, some international organizations implemented budget reallocations and amendments in their projects to cope with the conditions.
Throughout this project we aim at tackling the socio-economic casualties of the pandemic and addressing long-term solutions for Covid-19 and other under-addressed crises. ESA will collaborate with the different entities, syndicates, CBOs, local initiatives, student activities, governmental and non-governmental entities providing health services and aid to the Covid-patients or those at high risk of infection as referencing entities in each of the project areas. Additionally, Covid-19 got all the attention over the past few month since it is a global pandemic and because of its severity however, there are some other local crisis in Egypt that have been neglected and deprioritized as the water crisis, sectarian tension, sexual harassment and assault. Accordingly, it's essential to address the other crises and raise awareness of the role of volunteering in managing either Covid-19 or future crises to maintain the social stability.
Project activities
1- Conduct need assessment study covering 5 governorates (Menofia, Qalyubia, Gharbia in Nile Delta and Luxor and Qena in Upper Egypt)
2-. Conduct 5 conferences across 5 governorates to raise the community awareness and establish partnerships
3- Conduct 5 roundtables across 5 governorates to discuss the local challenges and crises and come up with recommendations.