El-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare has delivered the activities of the Civic Youth Participation Project in Egypt.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare has delivered the activities of the Civic Youth Participation Project in Egypt.
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held a package of trainings on communities initiatives/ development projects
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held a package of trainings on strategic planning and it’s mechanisms for the youth of Menofia governorate
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held a package of trainings for leadership, negotiation and communication skills for the youth of Gharbia
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held a package of trainings for the art of speech, debates and leadership skills for the youth of the governorates
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held events of awarding certificates of appreciation and participation in the activities of the project of Promoting the Political and Civic
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held events of awarding certificates of appreciation and participation in the activities of the project of Promoting the Political
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held events of awarding certificates of appreciation and participation in the activities of the project of Promoting
Read MoreIn view of the prominent role that civil society institutions play in positive participation in society
Read MoreIn view of the prominent role that civil society institutions play in positive participation in society, defining its goals, supporting development programs and encouraging volunteers, the Sadat Association, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, held between October and December 2020
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare held events of awarding certificates of appreciation and participation in the activities of the project
Read MoreIn view of the prominent role that civil society institutions play in positive participation in society, defining its goals, supporting development programs and encouraging volunteers
Read MoreIn view of the prominent role that civil society institutions play in positive participation in society, defining its goals, supporting development programs and encouraging volunteers, the Sadat Association, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Read MoreThe role of civil society institutions has become an important basis for the positive participation of society, defining its goals, supporting development programs and encouraging volunteers. Therefore, the Sadat Association held an awareness session for young people in the Governorate of Menoufia
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare held a one-day participatory session in Menofia governorate
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare held a one-day participatory session in Qena governorate on the most vital challenges in their communities the most prominent societal needs
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare held a one-day participatory session in Luxor governorate on the most vital challenges in their communities the most prominent societal needs, defined priorities and community needs of the Luxor governorate .
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare organized an camp for a number of upper Egypt governorates, including Qena and Luxor
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare held a training camp in the hurghada governorate on the mechanisms and laws of local councils and community assessments in order to identifying its needs, how to conduct and informative community assessment etc.
Read MoreThe role of civil society institutions has become an important basis for the positive participation of society, defining its goals and supporting development programs.
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare. held a number of trainings in the governorate of Qena, which varied between focus group discussions and awareness-raising sessions, for the youth. Besides.
Read MoreThe Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare held an raising awareness session in Luxor Governorate about “the role of promoting tolerance and citizenship in supporting local development”.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social Development held a number of exercises in the governorate of Gharbia on the topic of the local councils, the systems of the parliament and local government.
Read MoreSadat Association for Social Development held a number of exercises in the governorate of Menofia on the topic of local governance and administration.
Read Moreone of Tawsol's activities are the planning sessions ( round table discussions) where representative from governmental , civil society and donors sectors gather in a atmosphere that would enrich the dissuasion and encourage cooperation in the policy making process
Read MoreThe first follow-up session was held on Thursday, September 18, 2014 in Cairo to monitor and evaluate the trainer-Advocates's performance. all employees of the Ministry of Solidarity were invited from Greater Cairo and Delta who have been trained previous
Read MoreIn the framework sought by El Sadat for Development and Social Welfare organization to implement the project of " Tawsol / public sector and civil society outreach" activities.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for social development and welfare held a panel discussion titled "civil society and the legitimacy of funding", on Sunday, 22 of June 2014 at Cecil Hotel in Alexandria.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social development and welfare held the sixth forum on "the efficiency of establishing a network between civil and public sectors", on Thursday 29th of May 2014
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social development and welfare held in cooperation with el Mansoura public library on Thursday 8 of May 2014 the fifth forum that revolved around the real role of civil society.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for social development and welfare held the forth form that revolved around "new-emerging organization" on Thursday 24th of April 2014 at Safir hotel located in Dokki.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Social development and welfare held a forum revolved around Social Accountability on Wednesday 23rd of April 2014 at Safir hotel in Dokki. Discussion tackled several themes.
Read MoreIn the framework sought by El Sadat for Development and Social Welfare organization to implement the project of " Tawsol / public sector and civil society outreach" activities.
Read MoreEl Sadat for Development and Social Welfare in coordination with the Ministry of Solidarity held the second meeting of the Network on Sunday, February 23, 2014 at the Ministry of Social Solidarity in the presence of representatives from the Ministry of So
Read MoreEl Sadat for Development and Social Welfare in coordination with the Ministry of Solidarity held the first meeting of the Network on Thursday, January 22, 2014 at the Ministry of Social Solidarity in the presence of representatives of the government and r
Read MoreThe team of the project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization” held two discussion groups titled general elections, where the elections were defined as a democratic means for governance and peaceful transition of powers.
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups titled the role of civil society in promoting the rule of law, where they introduced the concept of civil society
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups titled the role of state institutions in promoting the rule of law, where they reviewed the role of the most important institutions of the state
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups titled International Legitimacy and strengthening the rule of law, where they clarified the concept of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups titled public rights and freedoms in the legal state and how important they are in any democratic system.
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratic transition" held two discussion groups titled democratic political systems ranging from the presidential system, the parliamentary system, the mixed system, the Assembly Government syst
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups titled the relationship between the public authorities in the state, where they discussed the public authorities of the State; executive, legislative an
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups under the title “types of democratic rule”, where they discussed the concept of democratic governance and the foundations and principles of democracy
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups about the role of the judiciary in activating the rule of law. They explained the judicial system in Egypt, and how effective the role of the judiciary
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups to discuss the concept of the legal state and its components with an explanation for the concept of the rule of law and how to achieve it in Egypt.
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during democratization" held two discussion groups to discuss the drafts of the draft constitution while presenting the various sections of the draft Constitution as the basic component of the society
Read MoreThe meeting was conducted over three hours at the Culture Palace of Berket Al-Sabaa and attended by a wide range of leaders and public figures in the center.
Read MoreThis meeting was held in the village of Kafr Rabie Center and it was attended by large groups from all society sectors. The meeting began with the Qur’an recitation of a child, and then a word by the Imam and preacher of the mosque
Read MoreThe team of the project promoting the rule of law announced a competition in legal and political researches within the framework of the project. They announced the contest (researchers –from both sexes– for strengthening the rule of law) to submit papers
Read MoreThe rights and freedoms of the individuals is the goal of the legal state, because the aim of the law is to protect individual rights and to work on strengthening its safeguards. For this the legal state is the basis that guarantees public rights and free
Read MoreThe ceremony was held at the Youth Center of Al-Shuhada and attended by the Arabic Music Band of the Culture Palace in Menoufia.
Read MoreWithin the framework of the discussion groups promoting the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization, Dr. Hesham Muhammad Al-Badri (Professor of Public Law and Deputy of the Faculty of Law at the Menoufia University) introduced the concept of the l
Read MoreThis meeting was held inside the Lounge and was attended by a variety of community groups over approximately four hours. It addressed events of the October War as told by one of the October War heroes who told the attendees about all the important events of this great war as well as the Eloquent Peasant of Menoufia.
Read MoreThere are different regimes of governments in the democratic systems of the world; between presidential, parliamentary, mixed and Assembly governments. This comes depending on the relationship between the public authorities in the state in determining the
Read MoreCivil society plays a major role in supporting the process of democratization in Egypt, particularly strengthening the rule of law. For this reason Dr. Yasser Hamza (Professor of Law, Menoufia University) reviewed the concept of civil society and its role
Read MoreWithin the framework of the project on strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization the team held a discussion group on "the relationship between the public authorities in the state" on Sunday, July 31, 2012 in Tanta (Gharbia)
Read MoreThe Ramadan football tournament is one the specialized sports programs organized by the Tahrir Lounge. The idea of the program revolves around linking the villages and towns of Menoufia through the youth and by practicing a sport that is famous and loved by everyone there.
Read MoreThe concept of democracy is one of the concepts that is constantly misused and exploited without clarifying the concept of democracy and the elements of the democratic governance system.
Read MoreThe project “Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" organized two discussion groups titled (the International Legitimacy) on the fourth week of July (22 and 26) at the Tahrir Lounge / Nile Delta in Menoufia.
Read MoreThe Woman and Politics Program aims at the development of women politically, socially and culturally especially in this phase the democratic shift experienced by Egypt and now that women play an important role in building a new generation based on democracy and freedom of opinion.
Read MoreThe health and safety program aims to train school students from the age of 9-11 years on the most important safety conditions during accidents and dangerous situations, as well as customs and sound proceedings of dealing with all situations of daily life, how to face risks and how to preserve the environment and take advantage of what it provides.
Read MoreThe team organized a discussion groups titled (the state and its elements, characteristics and forms) within the scope of the project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" on Sunday the 10th of July.
Read MoreThe course has started on Monday the 9th of July and ends on the 26th of July. AutoCAD is the famous engineering software used by many youth in engineering and creating geometric designs on the computer using the best designs and effects with high precision and distinction
Read MoreThe Science and Engineering Gallery - Egypt started on Sunday July the 8th till Thursday July the 12th. It was designed to instill the reading passion in the students and develop their talents in science and technology.
Read MoreThe form of the relationship between the public authorities in the state of (legislative, executive, and judicial) is one of the pillars of the rule of law state, where the concept of separation of powers and not subjecting one to the other or their subor
Read MoreRespecting the principle of the rule of law and building a rule of law State comes through institutions that play their role in the State’s legislative, executive and administrative bodies and other institutions that must be built on a sound basis.
Read MoreJust and independent judiciary constitute one of the pillars of the rule of law; for this reason the team of the project " Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" organized two discussion groups addressing the concept of the judicial system in Egypt during the third week of June
Read MoreGiven the important and fast events and repercussions which the Egyptian revolution witnessed, and given the state of the obvious confusion between the opinions of the elite and the views of citizens in the Egyptian street
Read MoreThe project “Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" organized two discussion groups titled (the state and its elements, characteristics and forms) on the second week of the month of June (the 10th and 14th) of the same month at the Tahrir Lounge / Nile Delta headquarters in Menoufia
Read MoreThe Constitution and the legal structure of the country under the rule of law The team of the project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" held two discussion groups titled "Constitution and the legal structure of the state”
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" conducted by El-Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare, held the first discussion group for the project at the Tahrir Lounge / Nile Delta. The project team organ
Read MoreThe project "Strengthening the rule of law in Egypt during its democratization" in Tanta, Gharbia conducted a discussion group dealing with the political concepts and terminologies related to rule of law on Sunday, May 27, 2012.
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association (ESA) conducted an orientation workshop for program facilitators, staff & stakeholders. The orientation introduced the program, its objectives, and the staffs' role for implementation.
Read MoreYouth Empowerment Program Youth Empowerment Program works on discovering the aware and promising young leaders who had no opportunity to demonstrate their potential and talents during the last period, both in social or political life.
Read MoreTowards Effective citizenship is one of the most important programs needed by the Egyptian society now to enhance the spirit of belonging and instill the sense of citizenship in the individuals.
Read MoreAn orientation workshop for the “Rule of Law” program was recently held in Tanta. The orientation was conducted in cooperation with the Center for International Justice; an active NGO throughout Gharbia. Many students from the University of Tanta’s Facult
Read MoreThe “Rule of Law” program recently held its orientation workshop, in a series of three meetings, for all program participants. Participants gathered to attend from the University of Menofia. The workshop focused on the program's goals, vision, mission, an
Read MoreArt and Politics program is one of the most important programs held in the community and representing the true reality of the period through which Egypt is going right now and through which young people have expressed their positions and their need for change and democracy through the art that reflects it.
Read MoreTahrir Lounge Nile Delta conduct The community participation and educational development program on April 15 to May 12 2012, seeks to take care of the school as an institution of the civil society having an effective role within the community
Read MoreTahrir Lounge Nile Delta conducted this program on March 4 to March 27 , This program focuses on taking care of the orphans inside the society through the role of community participation and interdependence among individuals through young volunteers in order to execute such celebrations for this group in the society.
Read MoreMy Egyptian Culture Training activates peaceful dialogue, resenting conflicts, accepting the other and crisis management. This is done through the organization of two workshops in which the focus was placed largely on the practical side where the trainees planned and implemented in order to reach solutions themselves.
Read MoreTahrir Lounge Nile Delta conduct ICDL Course is a training course on February 23 to May 7, through which we aim to o raise the efficiency of the community members and improve their way of handling modern life, particularly in the field of computers and the Internet.
Read MoreChange begins from the person himself/herself, so it is very important to help them in their way of success and give them the support to discover themselves.
Read MoreTahrir Lounge decided to visit centers of Menoufia governorate and after that Delta governorate to communicate with citizens and listen to their problems trying to help and give them the support through the sessions held in and outside the lounge.
Read MoreThis was the title of the first session which was held in “Sana Oula Democratia-First year of Democracy”. This session aimed to develop the concept of democracy in order to be understood by all people especially in the period in Egypt.
Read MoreThis was the question asked in a program about the institutions of our country. The Lounge organized two sessions to discuss the Parliament and Shura council and how they work.
Read MoreThe question is still being asked in every village place the Lounge visits in this month. These sessions were in the program of “local councils between the past and future” which aims to discuss the law of the local councils and the importance of the role of a local council member in the community
Read MorePoetry was one of the most important tools that were used before and after the revolution to expresses suffering of the Egyptians in their country.
Read MoreThis was the slogan of the program organized by Tahrir Lounge which calls all the elements of society to discuss the participation in writing a new constitution for our country and discuss how it will speak about human rights.
Read MoreIn order to continue the role of the Lounge and the role of El Sadat association in the field of development and social welfare, Tahrir Lounge organized a seminar to discuss the new NGO law.
Read MoreIn solidarity with brothers and sisters who took to the streets from their houses, mosques, and churches on the 25th of January 2011, the Tahrir Lounge – Nile Delta honored the revolutions’ martyrs on the revolution’s anniversary, January 25th.
Read MoreThis is the question asked in a seminar organized to discuss the current events in Egypt and whether we are going to celebrate or the revolution is still going on
Read More“We Love Egypt”, this was the slogan of the Lounge shared with all members of society in all governorates of Delta. In this day the Lounge team was in the street to share the love of Egypt with women and men
Read MoreAs the world become small village and all countries benefit from each other in events and this is very clear in the history of the world and old nations
Read MoreThe Cultural Center in Donshway attended a workshop on the anticipated changes within local councils after the revolution. This workshop was part of a series hosted by Tahrir Lounge in Tala, Menoufia. Ahmed El-Helbawi, political activist and development expert
Read MoreTahrir Lounge organized this program in the belief of the importance of the future of education in Egypt and the role of the educational system in civil society in order to develop the role of the educational institutions.
Read MoreThis is the question asked in a seminar organized to discuss the current events in Egypt and whether we are going to celebrate or the revolution is still going on. There were groups of youth who spook about their experience in the revolution
Read MoreTahrir Lounge organized specialized programs for many professions to help the employees and develop their personal and communication skills in order to be active in the society and this was through development human training.
Read MoreThe Lounge organized this program in the belief that the young people are the future, should begin now to train on how to be leaders and take part in the political life by entering the local council elections.
Read MoreThis was the slogan of the Lounge when Tahrir Lounge to express the relationship between Muslims and Christians in Egypt therefore, Tahrir lounge organized a symposium entitled Nahwa Moatna Faala, “Effective Citizenship”.
Read MoreThe Lounge organized a training program to help young people to learn the ICDL skills in order to make them able to use the new modern technology.
Read MoreAccording to the recognition of the Tahrir Lounge about the role of NGO in civil society and the leading role of El Sadat Association in the field of development and social welfare
Read MoreThis was the slogan of the Lounge when Tahrir Lounge decided to communicate with all citizens to listen to their problems and suffering in order to help them through seminars and workshops
Read MoreDoes the woman have a real role in the stage of democratic transformation in Egypt? This is the question asked during a symposium organized in “Kafr El Batnoun Village”.
Read MoreThe Lounge’s team has visited Menoufia University again in order to interact with the students of the university, making political and civic awareness campaigns and organizing many seminars and conferences
Read MoreAs the Lounge is very interested in the role of the Parliament and its importance in Egyptian society, the Lounge organized a program entitled (Soatk Amana – Your Voice is Amana) and that was in some steps
Read MoreThe Lounge organized an educational program to help young people to learn the ICDL skills in order to make them able to use the new modern technology. The program was used by a specialized training curriculum based on the latest training
Read MoreBy this month the Lounge has selected “Luck no time for Love” and “The Secret” movies from his library of movies supporting the Lounge political, human rights and civil awareness activities.
Read MoreTahrir Lounge team resumes their travels in the Egyptian streets. The team reached “Kafr Tablouh Village - Tala”, “Tokh Dambsh Village - Barkt El Saba” and “Kafr Rabia Village – Tala”
Read MoreThe Lounge organized a program entitled “Debates club” in the beginning days of the Lounge, which aims to raise the capacity of young people in the field of politics
Read MoreSymposium entitled (How to be a good listener) organized by the Tahrir Lounge to make sure of the effectiveness and quality of the activities organized by the Lounge and to teach the young people the communication skills and how to listen.
Read MoreThis is the question asked by the Lounge to the attendance on a seminar, entitled \"illegal immigration and ambitious young people,”. The simmer discussed the concept of immigration in general and the concept of illegal immigration.
Read MoreThis was the slogan of Tahrir Lounge when the Lounge decided to organize this program in this month, entitled \"Arab spring revolutions\"; in order to keep up with current events in the Arab countries and the belief of the Community Leadership role of Egypt,
Read MoreThe Lounge organized a workshop within the program of (Legislation Forum by Participation). It has addressed the definition of the three authorities in Egypt (judicial - legislative - executive)
Read MoreThe Lounge organized a political art festival entitled (Yalla Bina Nearaf)-“Let‟s know”. The main goal was to spread among the citizens and make awareness in an easy and simple way to be understood by all people of society.
Read MoreThis is the question raised during a conference organized to know the opinions of young people in this issue, the question which has been repeated more. This conference was attended by elite of intellectuals
Read MoreThe Lounge’s team has visited Menoufia university more than one time in order to interact with the students of the university
Read MoreThe Tahrir Lounge held public meetings in Kafr El-Iraqia and Kaf Ashma (Al-Shuhada, Menoufia). The meetings were conducted to raise the awareness of the upcoming elections
Read MoreBecause of the interest of the Lounge on the role of young people and the participation in civic and political life, the lounge organized symposium entitled “The importance of participating in the Local Councils and their role in making decision
Read MoreDuring a successful poetry session in the “Art and Politics” program in association with “The Culture Palace”
Read MoreTahrir Lounge hosted a series of training courses, one of which called “Electoral Campaign Management” focused on youth leaders in political parties, coalitions, youth initiatives and political movements.
Read MoreThe Lounge organized a symposium under the name of Maan lel Entmaa “Together for Affiliation”. In this symposium, the concept of affiliation and the difference between political affiliation and home affiliation have been discussed.
Read MoreOne of the “Art and Politics program is organizing a very interesting show of puppets by one of the Lounge volunteers which was admired by all the audiences. The audience asked the Lounge to reorganize
Read MoreBy this month, the team of the Tahrir Lounge comes back again to resume his travels in the Egyptian streets. The team reached “Kafr Helal Village - Barkt El Saba” and “Kafr Eliam Village - Barkt El Saba”
Read MoreThe Tahrir Lounge conducted a Future Leaders program, consisting of professional and human development courses geared toward supporting and strengthen youth’s leadership skills
Read MoreTahrir Lounge Nile Delta organized a group of workshops under the name of (A-B, Policy) in cooperation with the (Ashan Baldna “For Our Country” Association) on two periods.
Read MoreNile Delta presented the play “Fragile King” which was among the activities for the program titled “Politics and Art” where the lounge hosted and presented satirical political skits
Read MoreArising from El-Sadat Association’s keenness on raising the capacity and skills of civil society organizations (particularly the groups interested in media), the Association organized a group of media exercises including;
Read MoreTahrir Lounge organized a group of forums that address local problems, which is included in the \"Knowledge Saloon\" program, where many of the local problems that afflict ordinary citizens and affects their ability to participate politically.
Read MoreIn a program titled “Tahrir Cinema,” Tahrir Lounge presented a series of movies that address political and human right issues. This created a forum that focused on the importance of diversity in the various ways used to spread human rights
Read MoreTahrir Lounge organized a workshop titled “Democratic Beginnings and Citizenship Foundations” for 60 male and female youth. The activities’ aims were to enhance the youth’s role during the democratic transition in Egypt
Read MoreTahrir Lounge was joined by a group of experts and researchers from the National Council for Human Rights to work on a program called \"A B Elections\" which includes a chain of workshops.
Read MoreTahrir Lounge hosted training for about 200 young political, coalition, and initiative leaders on citizen monitoring in the program “Local Election Monitoring”.
Read MoreThe next elections ensues great obstacles related to understanding the electoral process and the electoral system. For this reason the campaign started from the second half of October
Read MoreThe local councils’ project team held 24 community participation sessions and issued three bulletins that included citizens’ awareness about the roles of the local councils and the local administration law.
Read MoreThe Tahrir Lounge hosted political and young powers in Menoufia and Gharbia and other governorates of the Nile Delta, where they organized a conference under the theme Visions of the Political Powers in the Parliamentary Elections The conference was attended by representatives of the 6th of April movement
Read MoreTahrir Lounge in cooperation with the Arab electronic media initiative, and The Delta Center in Tanta, created a program for the creation of the new generation of media, where the Lounge hosted 3 workshops so far about electronic journalism
Read MoreSocial media played an important role in Egypt after the events of the revolution on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. For this reason we produced 3 short videos on October 15th to convey to the youth the importance of electoral participation.
Read MoreThe campaign “We Will Participate in the Change” designed printouts for the campaign on the 10th of August, including designing the campaign brochure which contains a simplified explanation for the concept of the electoral process including electoral terminologies and concepts
Read MoreThe campaign “We Will Participate in the Change - Hansharek” held a workshop in communication and negotiation skills and it was attended by 20 volunteer leaders and representatives of three of the campaign’s call centers. This took place over the 13th and 14th of July in Menoufia
Read MoreOver two days the campaign “We Will Participate in the Change - Hansharek” encouraged the youth to political participation. This was through a workshop (11 & 12 July) in Menoufia and in the presence of about 25 participants between political activists and civil society leaders from the targeted governorates (Menoufia, Gharbia, Helwan).
Read MoreDuring this interval, the local councils team held 12 participatory sessions in the centers of Tala and Shuhada in different local units (Tukh Dalaka - Kafr Al-Sukareya – Zawyet Bamam - Kafr Al-Sukareya - Saft Jaddam - Kafr Al-Sukareya - Tala – Mit Abul-K
Read MoreAn-Nahda Al-Rifeya Association in Menoufia organized a second workshop on the local administration law in the village of Venicia (at Shebin El-Kom – Menoufia) in the period between 23/6 and 25/6/2011 as part of a series of workshops organized by the Assoc
Read MoreHansharek campaign started spreading and distributing the posters of the campaign which aims at encouraging young people to participate in the upcoming elections. It is worthy of mention that these posters were mounted in each of the following governorates: Aswan, Alexandria, Gharbia and Ismailia
Read MoreWithin the framework of completing the steps of the local councils’ project, and in the headquarters of El-Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare, regular meetings were held between Mr. Ashraf Tharwat (project manager) and the coordinators.
Read MoreThe campaign “We Will Participate in the Change - Hansharek” which aims to raise civil and political awareness of the youth and encourage them to participate in political life
Read MoreOver two days of continuous efforts workshops were held for young leaderships in the targeted governorates to support the volunteers in the campaign “We Will Participate in the Change - Hansharek” in the Civil Education Center at Gazira (25 & 26 May 2011).
Read MoreOver two days the campaign “We Will Participate in the Change - Hansharek” held two workshops to introduce the campaign and explain its objectives and implementation mechanisms in the Civil Education Center at Gazira (23 & 24 May 2011) for a number of young leaders
Read MoreEl-Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare in Tala held 7 participatory meetings in Tala center (in the local units of Babel, Kafr Rabie, Zarkan) and the center of Shuhada (in the local units of Sahel Al- Jawaber, Zawyet Al-Bakly, Daragil,
Read MoreIn accordance with the awareness conducted by the coordinators of the local councils’ project in the local unit of Denshway (Al-Shuhada Center) during the previous period through community participation sessions and distributing awareness bulletins
Read MoreIn continuation to the objectives of the local councils, which is implemented by Al-Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare, a meeting was held today between the project members and members of the local council in the local unit of Sahel Al-J
Read MoreEl- Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare threw an opening ceremony for the project of the societal cooperation with the local councils in the centers of Tala and Shuhada on Sunday 17/4/2011 at Sultana Hall in Tala and in the presence of Mr
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development conducted training sessions in documentation and reporting at the headquarters of the project “community participation in local councils” at El-Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare in 11 & 12 April 2011
Read MoreIt was a scene that reflects the splendor of the youth, their enthusiasm and their desire to see their country in the best picture, and over the past 7 days which are the duration of the campaign organized by the youth for beautifying Tala center and adop
Read MoreWithin the framework of their keenness to participate in the development of Tala Centre some of its youth decided to form the so-called "People's Committee" to have an important role with the officials of the center and to share in solving the problems we
Read MoreDirect project beneficiaries were located in the Monufia Governorate. A total of 60 small business kiosks (as well as stock and appropriate business training) were delivered through the program. The project was funded by three grants from the Embassy of the United States in Cairo
Read More